Welcome to Luxurious Laser and Cosmetics
Laser Hair Removal - Tattoo Laser Removal - Medical Facials
We are pleased that you have chosen to explore what Luxurious Laser and Cosmetics has to offer: from laser hair removal, to various aesthetic procedures that are provided by top of the line technicians, in a safe and secure environment. Whether you desire minimally invasive facial rejuvenation or require laser hair removal, we are committed to providing the highest quality experience, focusing on the unique needs of our patients.
Contact us today to learn more on how Luxurious Laser and Cosmetics can help you.
What Have We Achieved
Patient Information
Everyone is different on how they react to laser hair removal. There are many factors that come into effect such as , hair colour, skin colour, hormones therefore there is no way for us to know how many sessions you will require.
Laser Hair Removal:
You can have your treatments every 4 to 6 weeks. The face and the underarm has the most amount of hormones, therefore, every 4 weeks is best. However, it is completely up to you if you if you would like to do treatments every 4 or 6 weeks. The reason for this frequency is that your natural hair cycle is every 4-6 weeks, therefore we want to kill the root as it is coming in.
Tattoo Removal:
Treatments can be done every 8-10 weeks. This will allow the lymphatic system enough time to discard the ink from your last session.
Carbon Laser Peel Facial:
Treatments can be done every 4 weeks till you achieve your desired results. Then to maintain you can schedule one every so often.
Many clients like to have a deep exfoliation once a month, but it is truly up to you on how often you would like treatments.
No, you cannot do anything that will pull out the root. However, you may shave in between treatments. Laser hair removal targets the root, therefore to be effective you cannot wax, thread or pluck.
It is recommended that you apply sunscreen to avoid taning as much as possible. You want your skin to be as close as possible to it's natural skin tone. A little tan is ok as we can adjust the laser, however, if your tan is significantly different from your natural skin tone, you should wait a minimum of three weeks after sun exposure before your next treatment. If you are planning a vacation somewhere sunny, we will book a session prior to your departure date, and schedule the next one three weeks after your return. This will allow your skin to settle from it's tan before doing a treatment.
For laser hair removal we use the Lightsheer Diode XC Laser which is a class IV medical grade device. It is known for being the most effective technology in the market and is referred to as the gold standard in laser hair removal. This is not to be confused with IPL which is not designed for laser hair removal.
For tattoo removal and the carbon laser peel facial we use the PicoSure Cynosure laser. This is a popular laser and very effective.
During your treatment, the laser emittes light which is then absorbed by the pigment in the hair follicles. The laser will pulse for a fraction of a second, which will be long enough to heat the hair. This will impede the follicle's ability to regrow. This is why laser hair removal cannot work on white or blonde hairs as their is no pigment.
No. Laser hair removal cannot work on blonde or white hairs. The reason for this is the laser requires pigment in the hair follicle otherwise it will not recognize the hair.
Before and After Gallery
After 5 sessions
Natasha before the Carbon Laser Peel Treatment Before treatment # 1 Photo
Results After 5 sessions of the Carbon Laser Peel Facial (Photo 2 weeks post treatment)